Thursday 1 July 2010

All Quiet...... but watch this space.

The Doors Are Closed - But Still A Lot Going On...

I trust everyone is enjoying the summer and this excellent weather we have at present. It is a while since the last post so I thought it about time we brought everyone up to date with events that have been happening since the centre closed for the summer.

Whilst there isn't the usual throng of bodies going around the centre it is business as usual as we prepare for the new season. We promised several innovations and this is indeed what is happening.

  • Steve is currently away in Fussen, Germany on the WCF Ice Makers Course. After a week long course with instruction from the top ice makers in the world you can't but pick up tips and tricks which I am sure will benefit our ice in Forfar.
  • All 112 stones are away to Kays of Scotland getting reprofiled to bring them up to modern day standards. With both the Running Edge and the Striking Band being reprofiled we can fully expect good swing come the new season.
  • Plans have been drawn up and building warrants passed for several internal alterations to assit the general administration and development of the centre. With a new Corporate Lounge and reception areas we are looking forward to the inclusion of several new services in the new season.
  • Interviews are being held next week for the new post of Forfar Curling Officer. With several high quality candidates applied for the post we are certain we will find a keen and enthused individual to help develop curling in the Angus area.
  • The new all singing and dancing web-site is coming on well and should be up live in the next week or so.
  • With the country struggling to work it's way out of recession budgets remain tight however we do intend to freshen up as much of the building as we can to try and enhance the overall atmosphere for all members. 
  • We are delighted to announce we have secured a number of top quality national competitions to the ice rink for the coming season. Forfar will, this year host The RCCC Scottish Schools National Finals, The RCCC Scottish Womens Mini Tour, The Scottish WRI National Finals, The RCCC Under-17's Grand Slam. Exciting times indeed and it will be great to see so much national competition coming to Forfar, and I should say a boost for the area with accomodation, etc
  • Finally, we are trying to re-establish the Forfar Open to be held on Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th October 2010. We have already secured entries from as far afield as Inverness and Ayr. Ideally we can push the entry up to 16 teams so if you haven't entered please do so in order that we can make our final plans. Simply send an e-mail to indicating your intention to participate. It will be great to see this competition up and running again. 
That is it for now I think. If you want any further information or have any suggestions for the coming season please do not hesitate to contact me at .

Best wishes

Mike S. Ferguson
Managing Director

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